Forewarned İndir – Full Türkçe

Forewarned İndir – Full Türkçe

Forewarned İndir, you play collectively of archeologists with a mission to strike old Egyptian burial chambers. You want to sort out which Mejai is in the burial chamber to get into the inward burial chamber and secure the antiquated curio inside. In any case, when you take the antique, the Mejai will emerge, and you will be stuck inside the burial chamber. Gear up and dig profound into antiquated Egyptian remains with your group of individual archeologists. Examine the peculiarities around you, gather treasure, find legend, and endure the detestable that hides inside.

Having long concentrated on old Egyptian legend, you’re captivated by late reports of designs showing up in the Sahara Desert through new satellite imaging. On a map, the locations look familiar because they are the burial grounds of the elite Mejai, powerful warriors granted an unnaturally long lifespan by the high priest Akar to protect the pharaoh. Notwithstanding, a gift in life might be a revile in death… Old texts notice these champions turned frantic surpassing the limits of mortality, carrying demise and ruin to people around them.


  • IntelliSense goes beyond syntax highlighting and autocomplete.
  • Debugging print statements is no longer possible.
  • Immediately gather the projects you stacked.
  • Features for debugging and supporting Git.
  • Call Stack include and characterize breakpoints.
  • Git orders worked in.
  • Extensible and adaptable.

Forewarned İndir – Full Türkçe YAPILAN YORUMLAR